Schedule & Readings#

Note on the schedule#

Keep in mind that some of this schedule could change throughout the semester. However, if anything changes I’ll update this page, and I’ll be sure to give you plenty of advance notice.

Books and Materials#

Easley, David and John Kleinberg. Networks, Crowds, and Markets: Reasoning About a Highly Connected World. Cambridge UP, 2010. (NCM)

Ahnert, Ruth, et al. The Network Turn: Changing Perspectives in the Humanities. Cambridge UP, 2020. (NT)

Class Schedule#


Topics & Slides



25 Jan.

Introduction to the course

30 Jan. & 1 Feb.

Basics: Working with Network Data & The History of Network Analysis

NT Intro, Ch. 1 & 2

6 & 8 Feb.

Basics: Network Metrics & Centrality, The Small World

NCM Ch. 2

13 & 15 Feb.

Visualization: Static & Interactive

NT Ch. 4

20 & 22 Feb.

Community Structure: Strong & Weak Ties, Triadic Closure

NCM Ch. 3

27 & 29 Feb.

Community Structure: Homophily, Community Detection

NCM Ch. 4

Project 1 Due Tuesday at 12:50pm

5 & 7 Mar.

Special Networks: Signed Networks & Structural Balance

NCM Ch. 5

12 & 14 Mar.

Special Networks: Directed Networks & the Web

NCM Ch. 13

19 & 21 Mar.

NO CLASS: Spring Break

26 & 28 Mar.

Work on Project 2

Bring Project 2 Dataset & Question Tuesday

2 & 4 Apr.

Special Networks: Multipartite, Dynamic & Multilayer Networks

Project 2 Due Tuesday at 12:50pm

9 & 11 Apr.

Behavior: Cascades

NCM Ch. 19

16 & 18 Apr.

Behavior: Epidemics

NCM Ch. 21

23 & 25 Apr.

Behavior: Search Algorithms & Statistical Modeling

NCM Ch. 14

30 Apr. & 2 May

Work on Projects & Presentations

7 May

Open House

11 May 2-5pm


Project 3 Due at 2pm