Once this term, you will lead discussion for about 45 minutes of a seminar session. After our first class, I’ll post a sign-up sheet on which you can select a day.

The goal of this assignment is to practice pedagogy and to get more comfortable speaking about digital humanities topics. You’ll want to think carefully about connections among the assigned readings, and between the readings and the projects/websites. Your job will be to facilitate a discussion that makes the most of those connections and allows the class to explore both the breadth and depth of the material.

You can provide any materials you think you will help with discussion—handouts, slideshows, webpages, etc. But you can also facilitate discussion without any of these: it’s up to you. If you are scheduled on the same day as another student, the two of you will need to coordinate which readings and projects you’ll discuss, to prevent too much overlap. Because this is happening while the course is remote, this is a good opportunity to practice teaching over Zoom. You may find you’ll want to adopt different strategies in this environment. You’re very welcome to talk over a plan with me beforehand.

Though the discussion lead does make up a portion of your overall assessment for the course, this is not a graded assignment. You’ll get credit for completing the discussion lead in good faith, and I’ll give feedback over email or Zoom afterwards.

Sign up for a discussion lead timeslot here.