Progress Report
Complete by: Tuesday 15 Apr. at class time
The report should demonstrate significant coding and data exploration or analysis progress since the previous week. You should be beginning to move beyond initial data wrangling and exploration at this point.
The progress report is the final “check-in” before preparing your presentation and final report. I encourage you to use this progress report as a way to reflect on your work so far, and to begin to create visuals, summary statistics, and statistical models that can answer the questions you posed at the beginning of your progress. Consider what you’ll still need to accomplish between now and the final deadline to have a final project you can be proud of, that meets the requirements stated in the Final Written Report prompt.
Your progress report can be relatively short, but it should contain enough detail to demonstrate significant progress on your coding and analysis since the previous week. More detail will also help you gain useful feedback and help at this stage, setting you up better for writing your final report. Below you can find what must be included in your progress report.
- 1 paragraph on where you are currently at in your data analysis
- At least 3 polished visuals using your dataset, well-labeled and described
- Draft of code and explanations for one of your modeling approaches: what method will you use, what will be your target, and what will be your predictors? Begin the modeling process with some visualizations and validation.
- Share something that you have learned
- Share something that you have found difficult, confusing, or haven’t figured out yet
You will submit this progress report as an exported Jupyter notebook in HTML.