Responsive Web Design Project


February 13, 2025

Complete by: Thursday 13 Feb. at class time

For this assignment, you need to create a personal web site that adheres to responsive web design and works well on a desktop, tablet, and smartphone. To meet the requirements of the assignment you need to create a home page with links out to additional pages, information, and/or media. Your site should contain a legitimate amount of content and information to express your ideas. In addition, you should compose a 500-word short paper that explains your thoughts behind your design decisions, with specific examples to the site you’ve made and references to some of our course resources.

Your website should also include an interactive element using JavaScript. What exactly this entails is up to you, but your site should take some user input (e.g. entering information in a text box or clicking a button) and produce a visible change to the webpage. A description of the choices you made in devising this interactivity should be part of your short paper.

If you completed a similar website for CIS 275 or another course, you may use that as a starting point for this assignment. But you should add a significant amount of new content and design elements to your site, and your essay should outline the differences between the original project and the new one.

Sources for your reconsideration regarding design issues include our discussions on basic design principles and the Web Style Guide (3rd ed.). You should also review the ancillary links provided on the additional resources page of our course site.

To excel in the assignment, you should closely adhere to the design principles we have studied, and you should also be extremely careful with your coding syntax.

Your grade for this assignment will be based upon the following criteria:

10% Responsiveness to Assignment
30% Quality & Correctness of Code
20% Adherence to Responsive Web Design Principles
20% Successfully Implemented Interactivity
20% Short Paper

Markup for this project must adhere to HTML5 & CSS3 specifications, and code should adhere to JavaScript ES6. You should use a text editor to create your html, cs, and js files. Zip all these files up into one archive file and submit it to Sakai by the beginning of class on the due date.