Content Management System Project


March 20, 2025

Complete by: Thursday 20 Mar. at class time

For this assignment, you need to create a web site that is set up through a specific CMS (Wordpress). You should use the content from your personal web site assuming you don’t have another project you want to develop. If you were lacking in content in that first project, your design will similarly be weak for this one – perhaps more obviously so; so make sure you continue to focus on content development. In addition to your site, you should compose a 500-word short paper that describes your thoughts and experiences regarding the development process of working with a CMS as opposed to hand-coding a site. In this document you should make sure to cite specific examples from both sites you’ve made previously; the bulk of the points for this paper will come from your examples and descriptions of why one approach was different than another.

Your grade for this assignment will be based upon the following criteria:

10% Responsiveness to Assignment
20% Quality & Correctness of Code
20% Technical Implementation (server install, database, domain location)
20% Adherence to Design Principles
30% Short Paper

Use your web server space to host your site and send me the link for the site you want me to grade. Upload your short paper directly to Sakai as a PDF. I will grade whatever is available at the link you send me, but I will not accept multiple emails from you. This is worth getting right the first time!