Naive Bayes Classifier

CIS 241, Dr. Ladd

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What is the Naive Bayes Classifier?

Not all classifiers are based on a linear model!

Naive Bayes predicts a target by finding the probability of predictors based on a specific target.

Like in hypothesis testing, this is the opposite of what we’d expect!

Exact Bayesian Classification

Find all records that are the same as the one you care about. What’s the proportion of possible targets? The highest proportion is your prediction!

This is impractical, because very few records are identical.

Naive Bayes Classification

For each possible target, find the individual conditional probabilities of every predictor. Multiply these probabilities by each other and by the number of records in the possible target class. Divide this by the sum of these values for all the classes. That gives you the probability!

This is naive because it assumes every predictor is independent.

This isn’t always true, but naive Bayes classifiers can still be useful.

This can only be used with categorical predictor variables!!

Numerical variables would need to be “binned” into categories first.

Naive Bayes in Python

We need the MultinomialNB class.

from sklearn.naive_bayes import MultinomialNB

Let’s look at the Titanic dataset.

Can we predict who survived based on some categorical data?

Load the data and create predictors and target variables.

Prepare and split the data.

This time we use one-hot encoding. We don’t need to drop_first.

X = pd.get_dummies(titanic[predictors]) # One-hot encoding
y = titanic[target] # Creating a y to keep our code cleaner
# No variable standardization needed. Why?

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(

Create and fit the model

naive_model = MultinomialNB(alpha=0.01, fit_prior=True),y_train)

Alpha sets smoothing to prevent problems with 0s. The default is 1, but better to set it smaller. fit_prior makes sure to use prior probabilities (True is the default).

Get probabilities and predictions as usual.

probabilities = naive_model.predict_proba(X_test)
probabilities = pd.DataFrame(probabilities)

predictions = naive_model.predict(X_test)

Validating a Naive Bayes Model

We use exactly the same methods as every other classifier!

Import all the same metric functions as last time.

  1. Confusion Matrix
  2. Classification Report
  3. Cross-validation
  4. ROC Curve & AUC Score (binary classifier only)

Thanks, Thomas Bayes!