Make a Stop Sign
Design a new sign that means “Stop”
As Reinfurt says, “The new Stop sign must not rely on existing symbolic conventions such as an octagon or a raised hand, graphic conventions such as a slash or an X, or literal conventions such as the word ‘stop.’ This will make your task difficult, perhaps even impossible. Can a single graphic ever be autonomous, not relying on a system of differences in which to register its meaning?”
You can create your Stop sign in whatever medium you desire. It could be a hand-drawn illustration, a photo of physical objects, or a digital image. It is more important to engage with the difficulty of the assignment than it is to produce a beautiful object. Which is to say, don’t spend more than fifteen minutes so creating your design.
(Adapted from Reinfurt, David. A *New* Program for Graphic Design. Los Angeles: Inventory Press, 2019.)