Send a Secret Message

Your task this week is to send a secret message that your classmates will decode from across the room. You’ll be given a piece of paper with a secret message on it, and your group must devise an encoded way of sending that message. You’ll have time to plan out your message, and then you’ll have a chance to transmit it to see if your classmates can understand. There are a few rules you must follow:

  1. You must stay on your side of the room. You can’t get any closer or pass anything physical between your group and the rest of the class.
  2. You cannot speak or write any words. You can make sounds (with your voice or by other means), and you can write individual letters or numbers (but the letters cannot form words in any language). You may write on the board or on paper. You can also draw shapes or pictures.
  3. This is not charades. You must choose a single short message to transmit. You cannot improvise or change the message as you go. You can only repeat the same short message that you devised before your transmission time begins.

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